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Libertarianism which is characterized by hyperreal cyberpunk aesthetics emergent from metamodernism.

French New Wave libertarianism.

A meta-culture of Afro-futurism.

The meta-center is the dualistic counterpart to the meta-right.

by sandraxine August 11, 2018


Someone who supports democracy: until it is overtaken by right-wing syndicalism.

A neoliberal.

A democratists beccomes a kleptocrat (duocratist) when Rousseau's collective will doesn't go their way.

by sandraxine September 9, 2018


The idea that this present time is a middle ground between two moral states: Eden and heaven.


Intermorality is post-apocalyptic.

It argues that since the fall has already occurred..

Personal deconstruction is not enlightening.

by sandraxine September 7, 2020


Idea that the present is a place between Eden and heaven.

Intermorality is post-apocalyptic.
It views the present as the valley between the peaks of Eden and heaven.

Intermorality proffers that since destruction has already occured; personal deconstruction of the postmodern variety does not bring enlightenment.

by sandraxine September 7, 2020


A system or complex.

A representation that has minimum of one and a maximum of two discrete (linear) ends.

Contains a relationship of synchronicity with paradox.

A state has a synchronous relationship with a paradox.

This means that a state is a paradox under contingent circumstances but a paradox is always a state in form or meta-form.

by sandraxine August 31, 2018


Having attributes of the actualizative or self-actualizative.

Realizative or materializative.

Being or becoming (having being).

Perfect does not distinguish between being and becoming. As an etymology it is bidirectional. Thus to be real or have reality is perfect.

by sandraxine September 18, 2018

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A panagram is a formalistic representation that reconciles representation to formalism ie. the signed to the signifier.

A linguistic example is a sentence which contains each letter of the alphabet just one time.

In aesthetic representation: a gamut or color wheel.

A panagram unites representation with its signifier (formalistic assignation).

by sandraxine July 31, 2018

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