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the intensely pleasurable sensations generated by using, hearing or coining a new word or phrase (that doesn't suck). Frequent neologasms have been proven to reduce the biological age of both the speaker and the listener. Neologism + orgasm.

Him: Volunteers submit over 1000 new definitions to Urbandictionary every day. It ain’t fo the money; it’s all about the neologasms.
Her: Oh baby!

by slumdog January 25, 2009

31👍 20👎


1. an archaic word used by prissy netymologists on Wikipedia and Word Spy that means a blend word. A word formed by combining parts of two words

2. a two-compartment suitcase that has not been manufactured since the 1800s.

1. Wikipedia is a portmanteau of the words "wienie" and "encyclopedia".

2. I wonder if the luggage museum has a portmanteau?

by slumdog January 27, 2009

75👍 98👎

computer ji

Hinglish for computer master. Used several times in "Slumdog Millionaire" by the gameshow host. Ji after a name is a Hindi term of respect.

A more flattering moniker than "hey IT guy"

Could you please show me how to archive my email, computer ji?

by slumdog January 20, 2009

6👍 3👎


gourmet cooking skillz in some one with a y chromosome

There seems to be a fair number of gourmet gals and chefly men in this forum, so tell me: what's a date meal that's easy, but looks impressive?

by slumdog January 10, 2009

3👍 2👎

acoustic razor

a conventional razor, as opposed to an electric razor

Feck, my Norelco is busted - gotta use an acoustic razor.

by slumdog January 17, 2009

11👍 4👎

washcloth boogaloo

swiping your armpits with wet washcloth instead of showering in a half assed attempt to mask B.O. that’s too overpowering to be hidden by deodorant alone.

As I was rushing out of the house, I took a whiff of my stank oxter and nearly keeled over. After doing the washcloth boogaloo and a slash of deodorant, I was on my way.

by slumdog January 19, 2009

2👍 1👎


one who is aged, an old dude

Dawn: Happy 100th birthday!! hehe
You are such a raisin! Such a dinosaur!

by slumdog January 17, 2009

30👍 17👎