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Lost my Thai curry bet

When that urge to purge that spicey gas turns muddy.

Fuck, gambled and lost my Thai curry bet... Gotta go grab a wet wipe and some new boxers... See you in 10 minutes.

by spflex57 November 30, 2019


To deliver an intense pelvic thrusting session to ones sexual partner

Dude, I pelverized that girl from the bar last night.

by spflex57 November 30, 2019

Water Fu

The modern martial art of slow motion fighting under water in a pool, lake or the ocean... Typically exemplified in powerless kicks & punches. However, a master in Water Fu may temporarily blind someone with a splash and possibly deliver a well aimed croch shot that often results in a floating, lifeless carcass.

Take it easy bruh, else I'm gonna break out my black belt in Water Fu and non-ceremoniously kick your swimmer ass.

by spflex57 November 30, 2019