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Novax Jocksabitch

Any celebrity or celebrity sports star who believe because of their fame they can ignore a country’s entrance rules.

I can’t believe that Novax Jocksabitch is still trying to get into the country, he should just go home.

by stuartc1 January 11, 2022

2👍 7👎


When a group of people declare independence on a piece of land they do not own.

Him: You hear about Chaz? The new independent country inside Seattle?
Her: It’s just a Thiefdom.

by stuartc1 June 12, 2020


An assignment by a spouse of other family member to acquire Christmas presents

Him: Let's find a sports bar Sunday and watch some NFL
Me: Can't, my wife has me scheduled for a Chrismission before we leave for the holidays

by stuartc1 November 10, 2017


When something is a lot harder than you thought it would be

DJT: Who knew Healthcare could be so complicated

America: Everyone
DJT: This job is a lot harder than I thought it would be
America: You're just experiencing Trumpwork, quit

by stuartc1 April 28, 2017

3👍 1👎


When society at large handicaps your options because you’re black.

Him: I thought George was going to work at that investment bank.

Her: He got Blackdicapped by Human Resources.

by stuartc1 June 10, 2020


The deplorable 35% of Americans who think Donald Trump is the man.

If anyone in Debase could read do you think Maryanne Trump’s new book would bother them?

by stuartc1 July 7, 2020

6👍 19👎


When you abandon your responsibilities.

Fuck this snow, I’m going to cancruz and go to Mexico.

by stuartc1 February 19, 2021