Source Code

Facebook Freeloader

A person who refuses to get a Facebook account yet hits you up for a peek into your account every time they see you so they can stay current on what everyone is up to.

Jenny: Hey Sue, what are looking at?
Sue: Nothing, just surfing my Facebook feed, looking at pictures from Saturday night.
Jenny: Can I have a look?...........................
.............................(30 minutes later)

Sue: You think I can have my phone back now?
Jenny: Oh sorry, I was just seeing what all our other friends are up to.
Sue: Get your own account already, Jenny. Quit being such a Facebook Freeloader!!!

by suziewar February 3, 2014

Designated Catholic

The person who is designated, at the beginning of a crazy night, to be the one who attends church the next morning in order to drop off everyone's money envelope.

Betty: I can't get too hammered tonight, gotta go to 8 AM mass tomorrow to represent the family and drop off that damn envelope.

Sue: Chill Betty, Sally's got you covered. Didn't you hear she's the Designated Catholic tomorrow?

Betty: Sweet! Gonna give her my envelope right now!

Sue: Hell yeah! While you do that I'll make us some more shots:)

by suziewar September 22, 2011


A paralyzing explosion of your bowels after drinking a mocha latte. Can lead to several visits to the toilet with the mocha fire shits.

Sue: Hey Vern, I tried calling you all morning and kept getting your voicemail.
Vern: Yeah, I ran straight to the bathroom when I got back from Starbucks. Sudden case of mocharrhea, if you know what I mean (wink,wink).
Sue: Ah, got it.

by suziewar August 22, 2011