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The rare ability to see out of one's arsehole.

Referee: That was blocking.
Athlete: What the hell am I supposed to do? Use sonar or something?

by tele April 20, 2005

12👍 23👎


Originated on the GameArena messageboards (www.gamearena.com.au) and was short for "Secret Language Of Women". It started off as a thread in which a widely distributed email containing satire of what women mean when they say certain phrases was posted.
The thread has spawned duplicates after each subsequent thread was locked and is today a haven for Telstra employees to converse as it's not blocked by their company firewall.

The thread titles of SLOW vary and usually involve a pun or something that incorporates the word "slow".

Check out the new SLOW thread, "Pope so SLOW the 1st"

by tele April 20, 2005

136👍 90👎