To put oneself responsible for one's brethren, to serve and protect them from harm, while fighting evil forces with iron fists; to be aware that every move one makes can jeopardize the firearm's safety, and take steady but cautious measures while keeping the situation in tandem.; to run towards danger while handling it with grace and absolute control; to hold the line, and enjoy it. Do you even Titan?
To titan: When I titan, I mostly feel like a Field Medic/Universal Soldier. Here are my responsibilities:
1) Kill adds as fast as possible. If every 3rd kill is not a melee, I bring dishonor to my order. If my Hunter and Warlock friends have had to stop shooting the boss to fight a measly dreg, shank, or goblin for more than a brief few seconds, I am shamed for all the world to see.
2) Deploy bubble and revive my squishy brethren. If they stay dead long enough to choose to respawn, I have failed in my duty.
3) If 1 & 2 have been accomplished already, resist the urge to punch the boss in the face. I occasionally get carried away with how easily I mow through the adds, get ballsy, and forget that the bosses can all OHK me. This one is tough. I usually switch to my HMG and instead get carried away with how awesome my gun looks and sounds while I am shooting. Then I remember how much fun it is to punch things in the face, which is convenient because by now the adds have respawned.
4) Go back to step one.
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