n. a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and accommodation of fat people in a city and its businesses, e.g., Oklahoma City and Wal-Mart.
I knew there were plenty of fat people in OKC, but a third of the people in the Wal-Mart ride those motorized scooter shopping carts. It's an urbesity epidemic!
past participle of "timeshaft": To be caught up to real time on one's DVR (digital video recorder) or Tivo and prevented from fast-forwarding through commercials or other uninteresting or dull parts.
See also timeshafting or timeshaft.
"I was watching the Grammy's on my DVR until I got timeshafted and had to watch Stevie Nicks and Taylor Swift perform in real time. I thought Taylor's caterwauling would never end."
v. To catch up to real time on one's DVR (digital video recorder) or Tivo, preventing one from fast-forwarding through commercials or other uninteresting parts.
See also timeshafting or timeshafted.
"I was watching the Grammy's on my DVR until I got timeshafted and had to watch Stevie Nicks and Taylor Swift perform in real time. I thought it would never end."
A restaurant reservation made as a backup plan when dining with friends with questionable taste.
My friend Sam made dinner plans for us tonight, but I booked a prophylactic reservation at Nopa just in case he chose Denny's.