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okc is a digital asset venture firm specializing in investing within creative spaces


"Don't fuck with OKC"
"whats OKC? ahaha don't worry about it"

"Another OKC acquisition "

by OKC ON TOP February 14, 2023

87πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Oklahoma City. Most often used in non-verbal communication ie emails and instant messaging.

My dad lives in Edmond but he commutes to OKC.

by RUF/NEK ABC2 July 29, 2006

264πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


a sometimes used abbreviation for OKCupid, the dating site. Not to be confused with Oklahoma City.

A: "Man, I'm sick of being forever alone. :("
B: "You could always try OKC."

by lolwutttttttt February 2, 2012

72πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


a sex addict or sexaholic or little "freek"

DAYUM that's okc!

by sexaddickt April 10, 2009

32πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


The dumbest person on Earth also He’s short

He is an okce

by Okce May 30, 2020

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City (OSU-OKC). This word can be use in place of retard, moron, dumbass, and any negativity word use to describe a living or non-living things. OSU-OKC ridiculously have a lock down browser while students and staffs can use a cam to film all the test questions and answer. More than 34% of the students are taking Intermediate Algebra and below. More than 46% fail College Algebra and below. Although some people are 4.0 GPA students, the fact is that we take easy class. Therefore, if you make a B at OSUOKC, then you're a retard. Furthermore, 60% of the students are computer illiterate

At Aspen gym: Ashley was rushing across the basketball court dribbling the ball at "Chuck Norris" speed. 3.14159 seconds later...She trip over the basketball. I said "Ashley, quit being an OSU-OKC.
Student #1 (at age 30 i.e. midlife crisis): Dude, how to you solve this?
Student #2: Like whoaaaaa (with both hands up in the air) x^2-6x+9=0??? solve for x???? Let me take it to my remedial math teacher in middle school.

by BenchMax345 February 2, 2008

58πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

OKC Thunder

The arbitrary name given to the NBA's Seattle Supersonics after they were stolen by a lying, dishonest, manipulative Oklahoma City businessman. So named because in a state as boring as Oklahoma, the most interesting thing anyone could think to name their only pro-team after was the weather.

The theft was so blatant and offensive that even local Oklahoma City residents expressed discomfort with acquiring a pro franchise in such a manner, having been previously rooting for the New Orleans Hornets during the temporary Katrina-related relocation of 2005-06.

Seattle residents still vent with rage over the actions of the OKC businessman and the former Sonics owner. Even renowned sports columnist The "Sports Guy" Bill Simmons refuses to call the team by their new name, referring to them in all print as the Zombie Sonics.

In short, every sports movie ever made has a villian who is threatening to move the team for no good reason. The OKC Thunder are permanent, living proof that bad guys really do win in real life.

Trent: Yo, you wanna go to the game tonight? Lakers are starting their 3-game homestand.
Kent: Eh, dunno, who are they playing?
Trent: Oh.... oh. The OKC Thunder. Never mind then, man, I don't want to support that shitty team, even on accident. Let's go watch football instead.

by President Warren G. Harding January 2, 2010

223πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž