Source Code

Hot Bowl

Hot Bowl - noun: When a toilet seat is still warm from the previous user.

to Hot Bowl - verb: The act of using a toilet with a seat that is still warm from the previous user.

Hot Bowling - gerund: The act of using a toilet with a seat that is still warm from the previous user.

The airport terminal was so packed that there was more space in the bathroom even though passengers were waiting inside for their turn to hot bowl the stall.

My favorite part of chili days on chilly days is that the hot bowling after lunch warms up my cold legs.

by tuckerjack48 April 13, 2024

White Market

A place to buy things from a reputable dealer

The Rolex store, I said White Market not black market

by tuckerjack48 May 31, 2010


when shenanigans are taken to the next level

Anna: hahah im so excited for tuesday!!!
Jack: me too
Anna: usual shenanigans, only a bit more shenaniganified?
Jack: Yes

by tuckerjack48 August 10, 2010

tattoo porn

porn involving people with hot tattoos
It's sometimes joined by piercings

I couldn't stop watching tattoo porn because it was so hot

by tuckerjack48 February 22, 2010

15👍 11👎


noun: an extreme amount of epicness

The epicosity when he held onto a car while riding his skateboard was huge

by tuckerjack48 September 25, 2010

25👍 19👎