in posession of a grossly overgrown pudendum or camel toe. Most often encountered on an afah
"That pudendous bitch slimed my chair"
1) virtual poon. The projection of feminine wiles via the internet or other media, often used as a means of controlling / manipulating others
2) the female interface of a fufme drive
3) virtual sex act ( cyber pr0n ) with a user representing themselves as a woman
I sure got some vpoon last night!
that Roman is such a vpoon
see also vpoon-whipped
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An abnormaly developed anal sphincter in state of contraction
That's the nicest buttbagel I've seen since yesterday
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a sack
- a skin or cloth bag, may contain testes or other objects of interest
ex: "John fondled his sack of barley"
to sack
- to encase in a sack
ex: "John sacked groceries after school"
- to remove the scrotal sack from
slaughtered animals ( related to gut ,skin )
ex: "to sack freshly shot game was John's only joy"
- to slice off privates with machinery
ex: "My couter boy kept sticking his dick into the bacon slicer - when I turned the machine on the blade sacked him"
- to pillage, commit robbery of a locale
"Harald Hardrede had such foresight, that he sacked Plymouth before it was even built"
- to cover one's mouth or parts of the face with a stretched scrotal sack
ex: "Anne's favourite pastime was being sacked by William"
- a corruption of suck, most common amongst the illiterate
ex: "Ann was a real cock sacker"
"John fondled his sack of barley"
"John sacked groceries after school"
"to sack freshly shot game was John's only joy"
"My couter boy kept sticking his dick into the bacon slicer - when I turned the machine on the blade sacked him"
"Harald Hardrede had such foresight, that he sacked Plymouth before it was even built"
"Anne's favourite pastime was being sacked by William"
"Ann was a real cock sacker"
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see KapaÅny
A measure of kapaÅnoÅæ, holding
capasity of media
empty storage space
"My drive is kapasny, sure it has plenty of platz"
"I don't have the platz for this movie on my laptop"
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A Fat Ass Heifer - descriptive of a young steatopygous ( suffering from steatopygia ) female
"That afah is taking up too much room"
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