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American beer

Contrary to popular (and ignorant) belief among non-Americans, the USA has some of the best beer in the world. America is home to many world-renowned breweries such as Dogfish Head, Stone, Boston Brewery (Sam Adams), Russian River, Sierra Nevada, Three Floyd's, Rogue, Lagunitas, Alaskan and Lost Abbey.

The United States is home to many of its own distinct types of beer, such as Imperial IPAs, Belgian IPAs, Imperial red ales, Steam ales, Strong ales, Cream ales, Blonde ales and Dry lagers.

Although I do enjoy beers from Europe such as Belgians and English browns, and Belgian ales might be the best brewed beer ever, the majority of foreign beer that gets imported to the United States just cannot hold up to the majority of the brew coming from American microbrews nowadays.

The big 3 American domestic companies do not represent true face of American beer.

Pliny the Elder is an American beer that kicks the crap out of anything from the U.K. or Germany.

by yonskii March 4, 2010

63πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


a person who is hopelessly addicted to carbonated, caffeinated beverages.

Dude: "Lets go get a 64 oz cup of Mountain Dew at 7-11!"

Other Dude: "Dude, your such a sodaholic. I want one too."

by yonskii September 16, 2008

30πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


someone smoking marijuana.

"Hurry up and pass that shit, ripster." -Pothead

by yonskii April 14, 2008

27πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

snappy taste

one singular hit from a bong.

"That was a good snappy taste. May i have another?" -Pothead

by yonskii April 14, 2008


(n) a bong/ water pipe made out of bamboo.

"Who wants a rip from the biggity-bongzai?" -Pothead

by yonskii April 14, 2008


Nick name for Escondido, California, a city just north of San Diego.

My family and I take Interstate 15 to Esco to visit the Wild Animal Park.

by yonskii July 20, 2009

46πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Real Beer

Real beer is beer that isnt made by an American domestic conglomerate, such as Millers, Coors or Budweiser (although Bud was bought by Belgians, it still sucks).

Contrary to popular (and ignorant) belief among non-Americans, the USA has some of the best beer in the world. America is home to many world-renowned breweries such as Dogfish Head, Stone, Boston Brewery (Sam Adams), Russian River, Sierra Nevada, Three Floyd's, Rogue, Lagunitas, Alaskan and Lost Abbey.

The United States is home to many of its own distinct types of beer, such as Imperial IPAs, Belgian IPAs, Imperial red ales, Steam ales, Strong ales, Cream ales, Blonde ales and Dry lagers.

Although I do enjoy beers from Europe such as Belgians and English browns, and Belgian ales might be the best brewed beer ever, the majority of foreign beer that gets imported to the United States just cannot hold up to the majority of the brew coming from American microbrews nowadays.

hamburgersued is a dumbass.

Any beer from Stone kicks the crap out of anything from the UK. Stone is real beer.

by yonskii February 17, 2010

37πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž