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1. when you walk with your head down coz your scared to look.
2. a fake ass gangster who try to live in the ghetto but cant make his way round the block coz he too scared to commit crime.
3. when you are not able to survive in the harsh conditions of the ghetto and u will die coz u r not well adapted to the environment - (when natural selection is against you)
4. someone not around when the beef cooks (i.e when thurrz a gang fight or trouble involvin the exchange of slugs between rivals)

"you walkin' wit yo head down, scared to look, u shook, coz aint no such thangs az half way crooks, they neva around when the beef cooks in my parta town" prodigy in Survival of the fittest

by youngKidzbattlefield October 19, 2007

97👍 93👎


this definition solely gives an insight into the term 'rat' being used as a noun to address snitches, and how someone becomes a rat

what is snitchin and what the hell is a snitch?
- snitchin is when a person who informs an authority about someone else's PLAN to do sumtin illegal
- when someone tells any person with authority about something illegal someone else HAS DONE.
- in brief a rat (snitch) is the derogatory name for someone who 'tellz on othaz'
- HOWEVER! if you are gettin robbed and tell police u iz not a snitch! u only a snitch if- e.g. your neighbour gets robbed and you tell dem pigz who dun it!
- And dont think u r cool when u "tell 'em" coz trust me u iz definately neva gona b soulja boy

there are two fundamental pathways to becoming a rat

1) Variation of genes "genetic variation"

- Snitchin' can be a genetically inherited disease
- As Homo sapiens, humans are born with instincts.. it is our duty however to be responsible and not degrade ourselves to animals.
- With snitches it is clear that there is an approximate 3-to-1 ratio of rats to humans. Hence we can conclude that the 'snitch gene' is recessive and normal gene is dominant. Expressing these as letters we find R-normal and r-snitch
- If you have alleles RR then you are normal but if you have rr then you iz a snitch!
- If by chance you have the alleles Rr then you are heterozygous and a carrier for the syndrome and you children may be rats in the future
- This data is very difficult to obtain experimentally, this is mainly because humans take atleast 4-5 years to show first sings of snitchin', so therefore even if a successful test cross has been carried out the results will take long to analyse.. therefore just believe what im sayin' from street experience and my cambridge A-level Biology knowledge.

2) Environmental effect on variation
- just as some phenotypes such as height, weight and mass are polygenic (many genes code for them) , snitchin can also be to some degree inherited as a result to many environmental factors
- If your parents are Snitches it is most likely they will ask you to snitch about what happens at school. Then they will act to resolve any problems. This is however the first step that you are taking on your road to becoming a full grown rat. Ask people for advice, but try not to snitch so that someone gets in shit!
- your neighbourhood and the company you keep also affects your snitching habits e.g rapper cam'ron states on 60 minutes "wer i come from, we wernt raised to tell"
- try to make frends dat will last a lifetime and even wen they make a mistake look out for yo brothaz by not sayin shit to anyone

why should I stop snitchin' ?
- coz u will be called a rat, wraete, snitch, bitch and err otha ebonic insult u can tink ov !
- coz u iz jus bein' a fuckin' dick, and suckin pigs cockz
- once u iz a rat, it iz verry difficult for u to return to normal human society and trust is somethang u will neva hav especially if u hang round dope dealaz!

how to stop snitchin' and still save mah frendz life / house from bein robbed ?
- keep yo mouff shut!
- tell your frend that someone is gon get him, this method ensures that ur frend may take action and tell the police, however if you think u can 'save time' by tellin the police you are correct but then again it is wiser to take your time and avoid becoming a rat.

yeah giv me tha thumbzz upp fo' diz!
i cud get a phd in rat fo diz shit!

by youngKidzbattlefield October 12, 2007

4👍 12👎