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An individual who is utterly convinced that Glocks are the end-all-be-all of pistols. Will go on endlessly about how great Glock is, despite the fact that Glocks are cheaply-made, have terrible ergonomics, and will break and wear out much faster than they want to believe. Will turn into a complete asshole when presented with evidence that a 1911, SiG, H&K, Cz, or other weapon outperforms a Glock in any possible way. Very frequently found among (but not limited to) cops who never shot a pistol before being issued a Glock and have never or rarely shot anything else. Tend to get very embarrassed when they try out a non-Glock pistol and find that it's easier, more accurate, and more comfortable to shoot, and thus will often refuse to shoot something else when offered the chance.

Note: owning a Glock or liking Glocks does not make one a glocktard. To qualify as a glocktard, they must be downright GAY for black Tupperware guns and insistent that anybody who's not like them is a moron. Compare with SiGsucker, HKfag. Contrast with 1911 nut.

Guy 1: "That asshole won't shut up about his gay little Glock."
Guy 2: "I know. His shot groups are all over the place with that thing. I just kicked his ass with my 1911 at 25 yards, but he says my gun's a piece of shit."
Guy 1: "I outshot him with my XD, too, and he says we're retards and he's an expert."
Guy 2: "God, I fucking hate glocktard a!"

by yt45 November 14, 2014

67👍 6👎

San Diego Chargers

The worst team with the best players in the NFL. But at least they still (usually) kick the shit out of the Raiders.

So many of the San Diego Chargers players have great individual stats, you'd think they'd be a good team...

by yt45 January 15, 2013

17👍 12👎


In the old West, nobody ever said "gunslinger."

Hollywood came up with that term in the 1930s. The most common word actually used back then was "gunhand." "Shootist," "pistolier," and occasionally "pistolero" were also used, but less common.

The word "gunslinger" is bullshit, just like so many other things that come from Hollywood.

Friend: "Dude, what's this old black and white cowboy picture?"

Me: "That's my Great-Grandfather when he and his older brothers had to ride with a posse going after a serial rapist in southwest Arizona in 1916."

Friend: "Your gramps was a gunslinger? Cool! He must have shot all kinds of fools!"

Me: "Nobody said gunslinger back then, fuckstick, they were called gunhands. And no, Great-Grandpa wasn't a gunhand just because he knew how to shoot. He wasn't a bounty hunter or anything like that. They went to apprehend the fucker, not just kill him outright. They caught him and brought him back. He stood trial, was convicted, and they hanged his ass."

by yt45 February 26, 2013

15👍 1👎


An Italian firearms manufacturer that loves to advertise the fact that they've been in business since Renaissance times. The quality of their products is somewhat hit-or-miss. They have made some excellent rifles, like the M1 Garand-derivative BM59. They make pretty good, though overpriced shotguns. Their pistols just suck.

Their trademark piece, the 9mm Model 92, is a study in bad design. It was adopted by the US Military as the M9 in 1985 to replace the superior M1911 .45 as the standard-issue sidearm, despite the fact that it failed the tests at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and caused serious injury to one of the testers. The design is highly susceptible to dirt, and the open-top slide means it will always get packed with dirt no matter how much you baby it. Ask anybody who carried one in Iraq, the slightest bit of dirt will make the M9 jam to hell and gone. The magazines don't feed well and wear out quickly. The trigger pull is too heavy, which throws off your aim. On top of that, they are made of crappy steel. Beretta 92s will get cracks in the slide after 2,000-4,000 rounds and need to be completely rebuilt. By comparison, Glocks can last 40,000-50,000 rounds, SIGs last 80,000-100,000 rounds, and 1911s are known to go for a million rounds or more with their original parts.

"My M4 ran dry just as that hajji came around the corner with an AK. Didn't have time for a mag change, so I switched to my M9. Fucker jammed on me, and I just cleaned it that morning. Thank God that hajji couldn't shoot for shit, 'cause I had to bum rush him and stick his ass with my knife! Fuckin' beretta sucks, man!"

by yt45 January 14, 2013

22👍 27👎


Also known as akimbo or dual-fisting. The act of firing two guns at once, one in each hand.

A ridiculous, idiotic, and downright fucktarded practice popularized in John Woo movies and unrealistic video games like Call of Duty.

It is probably descended from the few gunhands in the old West who used two pistols. But instead of firing both at once, they would either do a Border Switch (draw two guns, empty the first one before firing the second), or a New York Reload (draw your backup piece when your weapon runs dry rather than reloading). This is because it is impossible for a human being to look through two sets of sights at once.

Therefore if you fire two guns at once, at least one of them won't be aimed at all, causing you to waste all of the ammo in that gun hitting nothing that you actually wanted to. Or you could just do it the Hollywood way and not even try to use your sights, meaning you'll just spray & pray with both weapons, waste all of your ammo, and hit everything except your target. Also, using two SMGs or automatic rifles instead of pistols doesn't make this stupidity more effective, it just makes you waste more ammo, look more retarded, and still not hit jack shit.

Dual-wield! You'll shoot lots of holes in everything EXCEPT your target, but at least you'll look cool doing it.

by yt45 February 27, 2013

20👍 8👎

French Victories

The last one they could really claim was when they put a 14-year old girl in charge of their army. Of course, the girl in question (St. Joan of Arc--Jeanne D'Arc) was divinely inspired and the English were mostly drunk off their asses, so this may not have been a fair fight. The French were so grateful for their victory, they had her gang-raped, tortured, and burned at the stake.

They do like to claim victories won by others since then, though (Yorktown, both world wars, etc.). Remember, France is the only country in the world that has lost wars against Mexico AND Algeria!

How many French Victories have you heard of that didn't involve lots of guys from other countries doing most of the fighting?

by yt45 January 15, 2013

21👍 18👎