Someone who denounced their own race and calls themselves Korean, genuinely believes that they’re Korean or wishes they were Korean. Do everything a korean does, eat types of food they like. They may also think that they will some day marry their favourite idol (see also delulu) or may use small parts of Korean in their sentences without caring about learning the language. They could think that all Asians/Koreans are beautiful gods who are above the human race and usually think there’s only chinese japanese and korean but there’s more than that (see also yellow fever).
Not someone who:
-is interested in Korean culture
-listens to Kpop music
-listens other Korean music genres
-watches Korean TV shows
-makes cringey jokes about Korean celebrities
-wants to live in Korea
friend 1: all she does is obsess over them and like them for what their race is
friend 2: ugh typical korea boo’
a third world hellhole with living standards, poverty rates, and human rights abuses worse than even the poorest African and middle eastern nations. Their leader Kim Jong-Un lives in luxury while his people starve to death, and an estamiated 18-20 million out of a total population of 25 million living in extreme poverty.
Person one: do you know about North Korea?
Person two: It's a hellhole and Kim Jong Un tortures his own people
8👍 2👎
Unbiased side:
South Korea is an East Asian country west from Japan. It was once part of a unified Korea along with its northern neighbor, North Korea. SK is one of the largest economies in the world with companies like Samsung, LG, Hyundai, etc. It's capital is Seoul.
Biased side:
Idiots like dudeinwales, who made a definition where he compares South Korea with North Korea need to be shot. I read your lame-ass definitions of South Korea and other stuff related to the country and to me you sound like a xenophobic asshole.
South Korea is not North Korea
268👍 161👎
The country between North and South Korea. Stockpiled with North and South Korean soldiers along with land mines, heavy tanks, and long-range artillery.
Population: ?
GDP:Less than North and South Korea...
Area: Length x Width
You need a visa to get in Central Korea.
10👍 3👎
To take a dump. Popularized by the song "I Bombed Korea" by Cake, which was an ode to the drummer's love of kimchi and his subsequent bowel movements.
What the hell is that nasty smell? Damn it Felicia, did you just bomb Korea?
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The nation that everyone (except politicians and historians) really mean about when they mention Korea. Mainly because North Korea isn't really worth mentioning.
Gamer: Have you seen how good Korean gamers are?
HIstorian: You mean South Korea!
10👍 3👎
Absolute fucking hell. Kim Jong un cares about no one but himself. HE DESERVES TO DIE
“Yo I wanna go somewhere”
“Aight but don’t go to North Korea”
6👍 2👎