Source Code


How we would say epic if greek didn't lose the W sound 3000 years ago

Guy from an alterinate universe: That's so wepic!
Another guy: That is just wepicly awesome

by Kargaroc586 October 18, 2022


The last five letters of the YouTube video ID for Never Gonna Give You Up.

Aerith: hey check out this youtube link ...WgXcQ
(bob clicks)
Bob: ...I knew this would happen because of the link ending, WgXcQ, but I clicked it anyway.
Aerith: *raspberry*

by Kargaroc586 January 18, 2023


You can't go any farther than this. You have already searched for qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, plmoknijbuhvygctfxrdzeswaq, and you decide to type, from Q downwards, reversing the order of every other column of keys.
Give up here.

its been half an hour and im so bord, ive already typed everything i can think of
wait I've got it, i'll type "qazedcwsxtgbrfvujmyhnolikp"

by Kargaroc586 July 8, 2019

44👍 25👎


A piece of cheap e-waste electronics, typically found on online stores, with randomly generated brand names of usually five or six or seven letters, that usually isn't worth your time or money.

(looks at a webstore page) Look at all this sixletter garbage!

by Kargaroc586 July 31, 2024

Keyboard combination

The phenomenon by which a bored human searches urban dictionary for various permutations of the alphabet, with no particular goal other than to waste time, and perhaps to find a unique one.
Some examples of these:

You: "I'm so bored! Time to look up some keyboard combinations."

by Kargaroc586 July 27, 2024

South Korea

The nation that everyone (except politicians and historians) really mean about when they mention Korea. Mainly because North Korea isn't really worth mentioning.

Gamer: Have you seen how good Korean gamers are?
HIstorian: You mean South Korea!

by Kargaroc586 September 21, 2015

10👍 3👎