When a person on a date escapes, ghosting the other person mid-date, leaving them abandoned and befuddled.
I met her at a classy restaurant, she's there maybe five minutes and says she needs the ladies room, and then she Shawshanked me, leaving me with like 15 White Castle burgers I had to eat on my own.
When you order a new pair of shoes from Amazon, put your old ones in the box, and return them for a refund.
My shoes are worn out, its time for a Shawshank Redemption.
A bent penis that turns to the right
Whoa man do me a favor and turn a little to the left, your shawshank is killing me.
Escaping from a school lesson with a brilliant plan and excuse.
Person 1: “Hey, I heard Jimmy pulled a Shawshank in English yesterday.”
Person 2: “Sick! One day I’d love to skip a class like that.”