A person of upper-caste Indian or Pakistani origin whose greatest issue in life is white people doing yoga or wearing bindi or using ghee in food; spends time searching for such accounts to publicly shame on Twitter. Often throws around buzzwords like cultural appropriation and intersectionality to get retweets, and launches into Oppression Olympics when confronted with their bullshit by other people of Indian or Pakistani origin.
“HOW DARE SHE WEAR A BINDI!” raged yoga twitter as the semester ended, and a week-long break presented an ideal opportunity to increase follower count and collect SJW brownie points.
The act of passing out drunk outdoors in an impossible, back-breaking position, bent over a park bench or similar street furniture. As mastered by generations of vodka drinkers in Russia.
Poor John at work... he had a bit too much to drink at the office's Christmas party, and his wife found him the following morning doing Russian yoga outside their house.
Those twisty ass positions a pet cat or dog does to clean its junk/taint/asshole.
Goddamnit, Fluffy is doing Crotch Yoga on the dinner table again!
"Yoga-Nigga is grown man with a grown ass crib that has a cool vibe. In many cases his crib will have tasteful art, a hookah, candles, incense, lavendar scented oil, an electric fireplace and a fire pit. His space will also include clean towels, glasses, silverware and plates. This dude doesn't actually do yoga but according to the ratchets who are only used to being in the company of thug niggas they can only understand this type of peculiar guy to be a Yoga-Nigga.
..Maybe it was the way I stretched my leg while turning on my electric fireplace but she randomly blurts out ..
"I know what kind of nigga you are , you a yoga-nigga!"
A conversation with someone, who helps you relax your mind, body and soul. You feel rejuvenated after the interaction. What physical yoga does to your body , verbal yoga does that to your mind
After a hard days work and grueling hours spent at office, a verbal yoga session with my friend helps me unwind
The yogic qualities brought out when constructing Ikea furniture
"I spent 3 hours doing Ikea Yoga today. My chakras are engerized and I have 3 new bookcases."
The act of just fooling with it, but not full on masturbation. Penis remains mostly flaccid.
After dinner I did some cock yoga and watched Little People Big World.