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Monkey's Blowjob

You hang upside down using your legs on a bar while your partner has their dick ready to be sucked. You grab his waist to force his dick into your upside down mouth. Staying upside down for long isn't a good idea so make sure you take breaks every time after he cums. This probably improves leg strength?

Bob: Oh hey dude my GF just gave me a Monkey's Blowjob!
Walter: Damn her legs must be pretty strong
Bob: Hell yeah they are
Walter: Thigh guy.

by SomeInternetDweeb May 8, 2023

Gliding monkey

When you hold a girl up and spin her around while fucking her

Bobby gave me an awesome gliding monkey last night

by Dude guy 55 October 15, 2015

Monkey Farm

A crazy ass place that is filled with people who do nothing but screech and jerk off, often controlled by a tyrannical douche bag named Captain Henry Rhodes


by The real Sid Vicious January 11, 2020

Freeze the Monkey

Verb | To have sex with a Snowman.

(Original definition by a YouTuber named "CaptainSauce")

"Hey Amy, did you hear that Kevin said he would Freeze the Monkey last night?"
"Yeah, Emma! Kevin is such an idiot sometimes!"

by RandomMoron February 23, 2020

potato monkey

the new york word for Irish person

Guy:Hey look at that fucking potato monkey alcoholic.
Other Guy: Who has 4 long island iced teas in one sitting

by psuedonym jones December 18, 2021

6👍 1👎

Monkey Cars

Hood version of Monkey Bars. Instead of being in a playground, Monkey Cars are Ghetto Cruisers, parking in the middle of street, with the doors open. Also, can have trunk, sunroof and hood open. Sometimes 1, but most of the time, 2 or 3 in a row, effectively blocking the street. Monkey Cars are then covered in local Jamokes and Brohemians climbing over them, in and out of them, on them or over them. Usually several dozen congregate in the pile. Usually in the group are a few break dancing hoodlums whirling to the deafening boom of an 808 kick drum.

Fuck, we can't get thru this street, there 3 Monkey Cars in the middle of the road, and they're having their own block party.

by ShiniGami666 June 9, 2008

Monkey Cannon

A vodka cocktail made with 4 shots of vodka, a dash of Sriracha, and grapefruit juice. Perfect for any monkey event.

Last night I drank 4 Monkey Cannons and dropkicked my son.

by Dr. Cummy July 5, 2021