First day out (of jail) when you buss it out the pack differently!
Dave: Yo, I just seen Lil Keed going ham!
Roddy Ricch: Yeah G, it's his first day out ! We gotta give it to him!
When you think a girl is really hot initially, but then you see other pictures of her that aren't as flattering. Your opinion of this girl deteriorates and you sometimes even question her beauty.
Also can be referred to as Fooled at First Boner.
"I used to think this girl was very hot, but after seeing unflattering Instagram pictures of her, I no longer think much of her in the looks department."
"Seems like you were fooled at first sight."
When you realize you are in love immediately after a first fuck.
- Omg, i am literally in love with that guy at first fuck.
- It is my love at first fuck.
- Love at first fuck marriage.
- Love at first fuck baby.
- Love first fuck divorce.
"Bitch betta have my bread!" da purse come first!
The first person eligible to be an idiot. Not to be confused with First Ballot Hall of Famer.
Erin is a first ballot idiot.
First Timer Syndrome is a desperate obsessive compulsion to be the first at something; regardless of whether it was commercially viable.
Dan didn't know why his crypto project wasn't valuating: It turns out he was suffering from a severe case of First Timer Syndrome.
When someone gets rejected for the first time, all the other hookups that they have seem meaningless until they hookup with the person that rejects them.
Bro 1:Remember when that chick denied you?
Bro 2:Yeah it sucked. I knew I had to get with her at some point.
Bro 1:Classic first rejection syndrome.