Source Code

Maggie H

Maggie is a bitch. She has a Resting bitch face. She likes toned arms, she also enjoys playing lacrosse with lesbians. Her ears are quiet large for her head and her hair is to red. maggie is a fucking sassy sarcastic ginger cunt, never talk to her.
Also Maggie H is bad influence and don’t let any of your kids near her. If you see Maggie H RUN.

Don’t be a Maggie H.

by Ryan_TheBeast May 29, 2018

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Swedish international clothing store with the highest concentration of homosexuals in your town. They sell a lot of things with stripes on them.

Want to work at H&M?

-like fashion?
-over 18?
-flamboyantly gay?

Apply here

by st pauli girl is hot April 10, 2007

88πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

H & K

Hugs & Kisses

by Anonymous October 25, 2003

80πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž

H Dub

Halo 2; the sequel to Halo: Combat Evolved.

"Dude, broheim. Wanna play some H Dub and then grab some tacos over at Randy's later?"
"Nah, man. All you like to play is Team SWAT and I hate that shit."

by CrispiestPanic August 6, 2007

13πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

H > P

This is used in text messaging and means home to pub. It is particularly useful if your friends know the name of your local and the name of that pub begins with a P

I received a text message from my friend ?rugo2nite I replied H > P

by Stias August 29, 2005

14πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Slang for J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter.

Did you read the new H-Pots, I can't believe Snape turned out to be a goood guy.

H-Pots rocks!

by Samskeyti October 23, 2007

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


same here

You: Ya, i just got cleaning my room
Me: S/H
You: huh??
Me: Same here u idiot!

by the one and onlay July 4, 2003

22πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž