Like ghosting, except instead of completely dropping communication, decreasing communication by around 99%
“Ugh, mark is totally soft-ghosting me. We used to constantly talk daily, now he only sends me like one snap a day.”
the ghost hangover is one that you experience after multiple days of serious binge drinking. you keep escaping a hangover because you begin your day by getting drunk again....but once you stop drinking, the ghost hangover sneaks up on you!
98% of holiday weekends are followed by a ghost hangover.....
dude, i had a serious ghost hangover this morning after our holiday weekend!
i felt fine the last few days, and then the ghost hangover showed up at my job this morning!
A person that posts on a board, blog, bulletin board, etc. for another individual. Usually an employee of an executive or celebrity who is responsible for posting thoughts, daily events or announcements. Most common source of a ghost poster is facebook, twitter, myspace etc.
Due to my busy schedule and the unending requests and expectations from my fans, I was forced to hire a personal ghost poster to maintain my public image.
When you fart and you hear a cough you know there are ghosts! So every time you fart you’re just checking for ghosts.
Did you just fart?
No, I was checking for ghosts.
The act of masturbating in one's sleep or while so intoxicated that you don't remember the act.
My wife said I wouldn't quit ghost jacking when I came home from the pub last night.
When you pinch a huge loaf in the toilet, then wipe and find there is nothing there. Then you check the toilet and find it magically disappeared. But you know you to a thunder dump, this cant be the case. So you proceed to look around the room then you forget all about the shit and go on with your day.
DUDE:"did i just GHOST SHIT!?"
When you take a shit, wipe your ass and there's nothing there ... no trace ...
I just took a shit, wiped my ass and the toilet paper is clean ... GHOST SHIT!