(n): One who is a dumping ground for semen or other bodily fluids. This individual usually has poor hygiene resulting from large amounts of alcohol consumption. A trashbag slut could be found at low end parties drinking a variety of alcoholic beverages and packing as much penis into her/him as psychically possible. Rarely do trashbag sluts give any to little thought about who they sleep with. This could be because of one or two things. One because of strict parental units or two because the alcohol they've consumed has wiped their memory clean. Trashbag sluts model themselves after the late and great Ke$ha spelled with a dollar sign. She is what they refer to as a lyrical genius due to the relatable lyrics found in her songs.
Ke$ha is Queen of all trashbag sluts
21๐ 2๐
When someone graduates from being a Sex Muffin they level up and gain the rank of Slut Bagel.
Girl: "So what does this make us?"
Guy: "Well damn that blowjob was off the chain so I guess you're a Slut Bagel now"
Girl: "Fuckin sweet"
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Backstabbing bitch who fucks anything that moves
You betrayed my trust rebekah you nasty slut!!!!!!!!!!
26๐ 2๐
One who works overtime whenever it's offered.
Damn, He's an overtime slut, he worked three weekends straight.
48๐ 7๐
The sophomore sluts are high school girls who somehow over the summer transform from awkward freshman girls into curvy, giggling, glittered up, party skanks. It is unknown how this transformation occurs, but top scientists theorize that it is some sort of witchcraft that causes the metamorphosis into a sophomore slut. They can be identified by their shorts that leave half of their ass hanging out, cheap multi-colored hair extension, and trashy tramp stamps. They are a senior girls worst enemy as they make it their personal mission to claim the senior guys for themselves, and seem to hold some magical allure for such guys.
Senior Girl: God, this skank just stole my boyfriend! We've been together since freshman year, how can he just leave me for some sophomore?
Wise Friend: She must be one of the Sophomore Sluts. Trust me, there was nothing you could do. He just can't help it.
37๐ 5๐
a person who socializes every fucking waking moment in order to raise his/her popularity
dude, anna is such a social slut.
well.... yeah.
66๐ 11๐
sort of like a myspace whore but usually worse.
myspace whores usually post nude or almost nude pictures on myspace.
but myspace sluts do the same thing.
but going further by actually fucking someone they met on myspace.
See that girl over there?
She is such a myspace slut.
She hooks up with random guys she met on myspace.
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