Source Code

rock band

Actually Drum Hero, but with Guitar Hero and Karaoke Revolution added for free.

Harmonix CEO: So how's Drum Hero going?

Harmonix Employee: pretty good, I think this game will be an amazing successor to our Guitar Hero

Harmonix CEO: But who will play a game with just drums? Lets throw in a couple of our guitars, Karaoke Revolution, call it Rock Band, and have it ready for me by Christmas.

*lights cigar with $100 bill and jumps into private jet*

by badboys213 November 19, 2007

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Havel the Rock

An enemy in Dark Souls 1 who is waiting for you at the bottom of the Spiral Watchtower and shall put you in your rightful place with his giant dragon tooth hammer.

*opens door* Let's see what loot we can get her- OMG IT'S HAVEL THE ROCK *dies from being squashed by hammer*

by Herlock_Sholmes October 6, 2021

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moustache rock

Rock 'n Roll music that can be found on a cassette tape in any Camero or Firebird. Bands include (but are not limited to): Billy Squier, AC/DC, Journey, Boston, etc.

I was making a mix tape of some of my favorite classic rock tracks from the late 70s and early 80s. When I got to the moustache rock songs my upper lip started to itch. When I looked in the mirror, I had magically grown a mullet and moustache, and was holding the keys to an '82 Trans Am.

by moustacherocker October 8, 2010

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Rock River

This starts off with a guy taking a shit on the upper part of a girls back. The guy then slides in between the girls legs on his back and begins to masturbate. The chick straightens her back and the shit slides down her back and onto the masturbating mans cock. After all the shit has slid off her back she then squats over the man and pisses on the poopy dick leading to a gigantic orgasm for the man.(Assuming you like masturbating with piss and shit)

God Dammit, that fucking hooker I bought for Don's bachelor last night charged me an extra 100 bucks to give him a Rock River.

This term comes from The Rock River which runs through my hometown of Rockford, IL. It is dirty and consists mostly of the piss and shit from the Nascar hillbillies that live here and boat on it.

by SaggyBallsHD February 8, 2006

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Clone Rock

The Music played by any American rock or Nu Metal band adept in the art of guitar distortion, power chords and repetitive meaningless lyrics. It doesn't matter if the music is Emo or upbeat, it's basically the same.

Any band considered a product of the great Clone Wars of the 00's. Examples of these oldschool Clone Rock bands include Linkin Park, Alien Ant Farm and Blink 182... bands so alike it would be difficult to pick one from the others in a line-up.

Guy: Is this My Chemical Romance or Funeral for a Friend?
Guy 2: I thought we were listenig to Bullet for my Valentine!
Guy 3: Oh, for a second there I thought Fallout Boy had gone all dark.

Guy: Is it my imagination or has this band been playing the same song for the past 45 mins.
Guy 2: No, this is Clone Rock, there are subtle differences.

by Jackelrayn June 27, 2006

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rock boy

A rock enthusiast who loves spending their time collecting,painting, or any thing that has to do with the one of a kind piece of earth ! These type of people are heavily influenced by nature in many ways . Most of them have their eyes becoming a future geologist .

Do you see that rock boy Nathan over there ?

- Hell yeah man, he’s going places !

by Wit A Draco April 23, 2020

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Chris Rock

a black comedian who was founded by eddie murphy first appeared in beverly hill cops 2 and is now one of the most succesful and funniest comedians within the modern comic age.

Chris Rock is "never scared"

by Lakers_Bizatch May 10, 2004

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