The shit they put on those little containers of apple juice you can get in a high school cafeteria.
P1: Ayo, Anthony, you got the good stuff.
Anthony: Yeah, I can't believe they have such good drugs here.
I would give you your pescribed drugs. But I took them all
Healthy things to help you be a better person.
jeff: Hey bob, do you want some drugs
bob: no, I only vape
Girl meets guys on ecstasy halfway in the hallway and says- Are you on drugs?
Guys- No.
Girl- It looks like you're on drugs, your pupils are the size of saucers, so I'mma tell mama!
I was so high on those drugs last night I forgot about my life problems.
Guy 1: you got any drugs like weed
Guy 2:yea
Guy 1: let’s get fucked