the word 'satan' actually means enemy and was christianed to meaning devil as in the lord of devil in some sence as lucifer was the king of devils he got the named satan and was also called that in the bible actually the word satan is suppose to be used as a common word tho it ended up being religious this is quite sad for those who are impressed by the past language
you are my satan. Lucifer is the devil called satan.
Satan is a good creature, punishes the bad.
Kid: Dad, you are satan.
Dad: Whaaat? Don't call me that!
Kid: Satan punishes the bad, so that makes you good!
Dad: *thinks "oh thank god"* Aww that was a good one!
The sexy bookworm of the entire devildom, Obey Me’s highlight of high intellect which automatically makes him the best character from the whole game.
“Oh no! I used up all my demon vouchers and Satan still didn’t come home >:0”
A fictional character that rebelled against a fictional God's teachings.
Satan isn't any more real than God.
An adversary or an opponent.
When put in as, "Satan", it would direct our attention to Lucifer. In the standard case, it would mean someone who opposes another.
"I just can't get past the fact that you really are satan."
"I think I know a satan when I see one."
A devil who worked with God to make the universe, and God especially likes to call his son, Lucifer, LuCy
God: “Hey Satan can I see your son”
Satan: “Sure” *hands over his son*
God: “Hey there, LuCy”
Lucifer: *gies Satan a look that obviously says: “What is this all about”*