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grammar nazi

In internet forums, they are the homos who thwart arguments not with logic or intelligence but by pointing out mistakes in spelling or syntax. When this happens, the original post preceding the edited quote, no matter the quality of the conceptual content, or how good of an argument is made, is apparently rendered useless and pointless, for having a simple grammatical error. What the grammar nazis (who should more correctly be termed grammar fags) don't realize, is that it is their role as an editor in a conversation in an informal writing environment that is useless. Even the greatest writers make mistakes now and then--stay off the internet.

They are very similar to the internet troll.

That grammar nazi, or excuse me, grammar fag, just edited the grammar in my post. Wow I didn't realize I was so bad at arguing.

by American Observer January 19, 2006

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pool nazi

a hairless man who shaves off all his body hair for the purposes of swimming competitivly.

dude is a straight up pool nazi! grape smuggler

by some guy March 4, 2005

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neo Nazi

The Nazis of today who are usually fans of Hitler. They mostly believe that Jews/homosexuals/coloured people who aren't white/Muslims/all religions are retarded and that the world would be a better place with just Aryans.

They must be stopped. No one realises that they are getting bigger and stronger than ever, and if their plans aren't abolished soon, we might well be heading for another, more crueller, World War 2 (the European war, I mean). Need I say more...?

David Irving. Ask about him in any history class and you'll get a lot of dark, dark looks.

by Jo February 23, 2005

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Neo Nazi

Neo Nazi's are people who hold the beliefs and values of Nazi's in Germany during the Third Reich/Nazi Germany back in 1933-1945. But anyone who is not German or who is especially an American is a complete moron if they say they are a Neo Nazi. Hitler was the enemy of the Americans. We lost many men on our side because of him and the Nazis. Obviously Neo Nazi's do not know anything about World War 2. Eisenhower ,our leader was shocked and cried at the sight of the death camps and made sure it got to the public and had memorials designed to remember the Holocaust victims and we blew up Many statues with the Nazi symbol (swastika) on it. So therefore any American who claims to be Nazi is a traitor and in dire need of a history lesson.

Hey man I am a Neo Nazi now!( His Friend then says): You idiot we fought the Nazis and millions of people on our side died because of the Nazis and Hitler. If you lived back then, then you were at war fighting against the Nazis you stupid idiot.

by Starr James June 25, 2009

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Swedish nazi

Nazis that come from Sweden, a great example is YouTuber PewDiePie.

The Swedish Nazi hates those Jews!
Be a Swedish Nazi now!

by Dominigg May 1, 2019

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Nazis Finish

The humping motion one makes after sex that establishes dominance in a relationship. Generally,it lasts between 3 seconds and 1 minute.

Max gave Cindy a Nazis Finish after some rough, doggy style sex all night.

by the nuttest nut in the nut world September 17, 2004

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Chode Nazi

One who wheels and deals the chode, chode mcmuffin, chode butter, or any other type of chode good. They know all the chodes in the said area. They are the one who will say "No chode for you" if they don't think you deserve your desired chode.

The soup nazi from seinfeld, only with chodes, thus that person is known as the Chode Nazi.

by Veloxnatator March 19, 2006

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