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Jesus was a furry

A theory first posited by C S Lewis in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Jesus was a furry, and his fursona was a lion named Aslan.

by Queen Buttrix February 9, 2021

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lunchroom jesus

One who lends money to others in the lunch room so they might be able to buy their own lunch.

"Yeah, that kid calls me the lunchroom jesus cause he never brings enough money for lunch"

by malikimustard June 15, 2007

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cat jesus

Cat jesus is a god with the sexiest legs ever and visits earth in the form of a slab

Wow that slab is very cat jesus

by Oh yeah yeah Zorrorz is great March 10, 2019

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Jesus cake

Something which tastes so freakin' good it must have been made by Jesus.

Tim: Wow. This food is great!

James: Yeah, I know. It must be a Jesus cake.

by am138 September 10, 2009

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jesus weld

1. The raised line running sagittal along the median of the scrotum. Formed prenatally in the first trimester when the potential labia fuse together. Most notable after swimming in cold water. So named because this is where Jesus "welded" the scrotum together.
2. That line on the nutsack going from the gooch to the dons.

"Lisa licked all up on my Jesus weld last night."

by Homeless Kevin June 25, 2006

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Jesus Early

A time when it is so early that Jesus Christ would not be fully rested after sleeping.
See also: Jesus Hot, Jesus Cold, Jesus Lot, Jesus Sweet, Jesus Late, and Jesus Early

I had to get up Jesus Early for work the other day. I mean, I fell asleep and didn't even awake when my face landed in the deep frier. Someone had to pull me out.

by not_michael October 11, 2004

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hobo jesus

A poor person that resembles Jesus. PL (Hobo Jesi)

"Do you think that hobo jesus could cure my leprecy?"

by danny langston September 9, 2007

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