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piss mustache

Piss mustache: a word used to the describe the action of pissing on someone’s mouth until they shit so hard it digs a 14km hole in the ground. And then the person pissing would have stopped and shook his penis 2 times and go on with his day. While on the other hand the guy that was getting “piss mustached” would be stuck in the 14km hole and develop a yellow tinted mustache hence the word piss mustache. And remember to SHAKE 2 TIMES, NO MORE!

Guy1: “hey did you see me doing a piss mustache”

Guy2: “ yeah, but you forget one thing”

Guy1: “ what did I forget”

Guy2: “you forgot to shake 2 times

Guy1: I forgor💀

by Stinky Hitler fart June 12, 2022

Piss Paws

When your cat or dog steps in his urine, then tracks it all over.

Flluffy has "Piss Paws" and she jumped on my lap. Gross!!

by cheesepleese January 1, 2012

Dick piss

When you have to piss so bad that you feel it about to leak out of your dick.

Dude I had a raging case of dick piss on my road trip last week.

by Urmomgay4liyfebruh69 September 7, 2019

Piss Trout

Someone who is always bitchin' and acting like a cunt

"Wow you're acting like a real piss trout"

by burdenbageater69 April 24, 2018


The feeling of joy or elation felt after finally getting to pee after being in a car for a long time.

After having 2 Arizona teas, and driving for 3 hours, Jenna was so Piss-elated when she finally stopped on the thruway to get gas!

by mermaid_face May 28, 2013

Piss parade

When you are to nice of a person to tell people no or to just "lay down the law"

When you get taken advantage of...

Maria and Chandler moved in a few months ago. They don't pay rent and hardly do any cleaning. They were told from the start they should try to chip in as much as they can.

"What the fuck am I to you, a Piss Parade?? I shouldn't HAVE to tell you to clean up after yourself it's common sense!!"

by Sabrina Alexandra L. December 28, 2016

pissing shame

The act of drinking Sub Par tequilla or cheap drinks in general in order to get drunk.

I was broke so I was drinking Schaeffer light and shots of Roundys tequilla,my head hurts and I'll be pissing shame all day.

by Matt V.I.P. Excellence May 7, 2008