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your face

the ultimate comeback that will make your opponents tremble from pure roastifacaion. your face can be used for any roast that comes your way, for example.....

mom: clean your room.

me: your face should clean my room.

friend: I will clap you in Minecraft skywars.

me: your face will clap you at skywars.

by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) yes October 15, 2020

Your Face

My answer to everything

Bully: You're stupid
Me: Your face is stupid
Bully: You're not worth my time
Me: Your face is not worth my time
Bully: That makes no sense whatsoever
Me: Your face makes no sense whatsoever
Bully: Shuts up*

by Eddie the Head November 6, 2022

Your face

A super duper rude insult (not really) that little kids say to try and roast you (it never works)

Person: hey whats up?
Little kid: your face OOOOOOHHH ROASTED

by RustEater38389 December 11, 2022

Your Face

The ultimate comeback for absolutely everything.

A: You're such a jackass.
B: Your Face is a jackass! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA
B: Your Face needs to shut the fuck up!!!

A: (storms off) . . .

by SD_KARASU May 2, 2021

Your face

I'm the 1%.

Hym "No. I'll say it to your face. Your face isn't special. You're not to good to get insulted and you aren't Joe Rogan so what are you actually going to do? Avoid saying shit to MY fucking face. Avoid me entirely so you don't look like and idiot when I call your bluff. That's what you're going to do. ESPECIALLY if my imaginary Frankenstein is with me. I'd be hearing a whole lot of 'sir'coming out your mouth. 'Yes, sir. Please don't be mean to me online, sir.' Getthefuckouttahere with that."

by Hym Iam August 2, 2023

beyond shit faced

To drunk

Let's go to a other bar... Na I'm going home I'm beyond shit faced

by Isrightkev March 13, 2016


As opposed to po-faced (Urban Dictionary & British dictionaries), pooh-faced is a happy, Happy, HAPPY visage inspired by large intakes of honey, or beer, or wine, or legal dispensary goods that leaves one’s face in a constant grin that causes to observers to smile, even if against their will.

Puck, blazing his ever present pooh-faced for all to see, seemed to dare me not to crack a laugh at the absurdity of each morning’s arrival.

by Darko Vader February 15, 2023