Source Code

hood me

The phrase hood me is used when you wish for somebody to raise the hood on your outfit. The first known use of this phrase was during the recording of the Twi Shorts face reveal, where people requested to have their hood raised up on their squid game soldier outfits. They required aid because the Squid Game masks made it hard for them to raise their hoods themselves.

My costume is on. Hood me!

by Twi Shorts December 27, 2022

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck me

Something I say to my boyfriend when he's being to gentle

Come on chris fuck me, pound me like a mallard duck.

by HAIL January 5, 2005

2917๐Ÿ‘ 1116๐Ÿ‘Ž

count me in

Include me in your activity

-We`ll go snowboarding this weekend, who wants to join?
-Count me in

by erman_seattleite January 19, 2012

83๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yesterday Me

The inconsiderate asshole who is to be blamed for everything that goes wrong in your life.

Example 1

I wanted to fry up some eggs and bacon for breakfast today, but Yesterday Me decided to eat the hole goddamn fridge empty.

Example 2
Guy 1: You know that psycho chick i finally got rid of a couple weeks ago?
Guy 2: Yeah?
Guy 1: Well Yesterday Me thought it'd be a laugh to call her up and go sleep with her. Now i'm stuck with her. Again!
Guy 2: Man, i really hate that guy!

by B0hem May 18, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

jerk me

when someone masturbates for someone else

tom: will you jerk me?
susan: jerk me?
tom:you know masturbate for me...
susan:oh ok sure;)

by susan tom June 23, 2016

33๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

mini me

Dr. Evil's clone who is 1/8 his size. Doesn't say much except for "eeeeeeeeeee" (although one time in a rap song of 'just the two of us' he did say 'YOU AND I' in a very low voice). Has such a big ass dick that Nigel Powers says he can use it as a kickstand. Favorite pastimes include eating chocolate and humping the frickin' laser.

Mini Me (writing): Are you sure you don't have a little clone in you?
Foxxy Cleopatra: Yeah. I'm sure.
Mini Me (writing): Would you like to?

by TenInchPlaya October 15, 2006

190๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Add Me

Something that real whores tell everyone to do, but no one adds. These douchebags really enjoy posting "add me" to every band they befriend and what not. These people actually don't have friends, that's why they ask "Add me? I'm a whore and I'm bi and I'm pretty and . ." Seriously these people need to be shot two-hundred times, have their private part cut off and fed to them, stabbed in the face forty-five times, have both of their feet cut off and shoved up their ass, cut off their arms section by section, and then thrown down an icy river so they drown. (:

Stephanie: Damn add me tramps !
Junior: Yeah, I know ! They kept on spamming this band's status so then the band blocked them and deleted them.
Stephanie: Haha that's what they get for being idiots.
Junior: Yep and Tom Anderson said he was going to kill them !
Stephanie: Thank God.

by I<3Sgt.Frog August 17, 2010

73๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž