An atl crashout rapper who created od crashing and let’s play a game. Certified Black Air Force Energy
The most insane rapper to walk this earth.
Person 1 you heard that new baby Kia?
Person 2 yea was he even rapping or plotting a murder?
sick ass lense used mostly for skateboarding videos, in other words a .3x fisheye, they are made by opteka and a few others and offer the widest angle out there. Usually more expensive than other types, prices start at $100
Yo u still usin that .42x fisheye to make your videos? Wtf mayne? u gotta cop that baby death son
An insult used to denote that someone is of such low character or low skill because their parents didn't care to conceive them in a bed, but instead conceived on a floor
That kid is so bad at the warzone, he is a literal floor baby.
You are such an idiot sometimes you fucking floor baby
the saddest event that ever happened to the metroid games
someone: hey who the f is the baby metroid
me: already preping my 6h long story on it.
A little girl represented, considered and/or treated how one might otherwise have only treated a full grown woman.
At the child beauty pageant, she saw another magnificent baby woman.