An eager, happy but mindless expression on the face. All the lights are on but no one is home.
The Bouan-Bathor stared quokka-faced at Cara Delvingne and tried to make her wear the stupid hat.
noodle face is a situation where you ate tons of simple carbs and salt causing your face to puff up.
I ate chinese and the day after i looked ugly due to my noodle face
a look that expresses both that you don’t care and that you do care, a little, when the truth of the matter is that you don’t care at all
i never know what she’s thinking because her default is resting bitch face
An expression that is held by someone, typically (but by no means always) a woman. It is characterized by having a very slight scowl in the eyebrows, lips drawn in (sometimes occurred by sucking in the bottom lip), a pronounced tilt of the head, and a slight squinting of the eyes that would convey an expression of slight pain is discomfort. When performed properly, the sufferer should look to be perpetually constipated, and yet for some reason, utterly satisfied with being so. "Smug" is a common way to describe someone with a resting bitch face.
This expression is pronounced in its commonality, as in, it's the most common expression upon the sufferer's face. It is typically a signifier of someone who is arrogant, condescending, obnoxious or just generally bitchy. Commonly seen by journalists or other people commonly on TV.
I don't know how you can watch that show, the anchor has a massive resting bitch face. You'd think the higher ups would tell her to fix that.
When sending many Snapchats of one's face to a person but never saying anything
Guy 1: Were you snapping that girl last night?
Guy 2: Yea I just didn't know what to talk about so we were just trading faces
Your teeth
This meat is so tuff my face blades aren’t sharp enough to eat it
A person who can't show any emotions on his face
“ omg are you crying? “
“ lol no i have a fish face, i’m actually laughing “