An Adblocker. Usually referred to when a site has malicious advertisements, as if to protect from Digital STDs.
"Check out this kinky-as-fuck porn site, though!"
"Dude, that site has a bunch of bad advertisements on there."
"Good thing I wear my digital condom, then."
The real life sensations, emotions and feelings experienced when a victim or subject of passive digital forms of rejection, deletion, disconnect, and aftermath of digital bullying (which is aggressive when actually happening). This is a pychosocial affect of the virtual world entering into the physical world. Examples of this are the Facebook divorce ... When a spouse divorces their lawful other online before the divorce, the 'digital delete', etc.
"I'm feeling sad because I'm digitally damaged."
The digital system used for storage for digitized assets is digital storage.
storage for digitized assets is digital storage.
/n/ Every technology you have ever learned over time, including digital, virtual, and soft skills, interests, work, personal experiences, strengths, and weaknesses.
After mastering Excel, Brooke began a Technology Development Plan to add Power BI to her Digital Toolbox.
To insert four fingers into the vagina.
Last night I hooked up with some skank in my car... totally quad-digited her with no problem.
The practice of never deleting a file from online archive; one who practice digital hoarding must do so without guilt or fear from reprisal. They just buy more space.
Itʻs a good thing I practice digital hoarding, otherwise I would never have been able to find that document from 2006.
The specific identification ( finger print) of any digital type of technological devices/thing or something that uses AI, (artificial intelligence) and/or any electronic devices. Could be a number, make, model , etc. This includes transmission lines such as fiber optics.
I went to locate the Fiber optic line this morning and it ran along with someone else’s fiber line. Good thing the information I had included it’s digitality because they both where the same thread count.