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In human terms someone who experiences no sexual attraction to anyone or anything.Some are completely devoid of sexuality, while some have a sex drive where attraction is not a factor, if they masturbate it is only a physical act with no attraction or 'sexual' thoughts
Is a very rare and strange sexual orientation

That man/woman is an asexual, they never have and have no desire to have sex

by carbon king April 27, 2003

547๐Ÿ‘ 424๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction.

2. Someone that can clone themself.

1. p1: Yo I'm asexual
p2: you still wanna fuck?
p1: I want you to fuck off

2: p1: Yo I'm asexual
p2: you still wanna fuck?
p1: *splits into 2* which one of us?

by bundlebee March 8, 2022


Think of someone you aren't sexually attracted to, then imagine that is everyone.

That my friend is asexuality explained in one sentence.

by Eddie the Head May 31, 2022


When garlic bread, ice cream and cake are the true pleasures in your life.

Person:food or sex?
Asexual person:food
Asexual person:because

Person:because what?
Asexual person:asexuality

by Hungrypig2 July 28, 2022


A sexuality where you only feel romantic attraction to someone

X: Hey dude, do you respect asexuality?
Y: Of course, it's super valid!

by the anxious pheseant October 27, 2022


In humans- not to have a sex drive.

Ironically, the idea of asexualism is very sexy.

Andy Warhol was rumoured to be asexual.

When I'm not in love, I'm asexual.

by Caffine Overdose March 29, 2004

127๐Ÿ‘ 249๐Ÿ‘Ž


Asexuality is the sexual attraction to the letter 'a'. Asexuals can also be attracted to the sounds it makes in the asexual's native tongue, such as 'ay' or 'ah'.

Not to be confused with the other kind of asexuals who are sexually attracted to the village of ร… in Norway.

Random Person: Have a nice day!
Asexual, now dripping wet: You had me at "A".

That many people are asexual nowadays is often attributed to the proliferation of the ABC song in recent decades, which imbued the letter A into the minds of millions of children.

by politenesslevel99 November 14, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž