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neating off

When you have one hand masturbating and the other with a thumb in your butt (when you have diarrhea, as to stimulate it) and you are trying to time it right to where you shit yourself and cum at the same time.

Guy 1: Remember that one time at Ted Grogers house party when i had diarrhea.

Guy 2: Yea what about it?

Guy 1: i was neating off in his bathroom; there was shit and cum everywhere!

Guy 2: sweet!!! i neated off on my girlfriend two nights ago.

Guy 1: not cool dude, not cool.

by hutch n' sand October 11, 2009

Neat Nazi

Someone who bitches about neatness and perfection all the time. They also spend a lot of time trying to find the most meaningless and slightest imperfection in things just so they can go on some autistic ass rant about it.

When my mom saw my science project she immediately became a neat nazi

by Niggaroni daquan the 420th November 5, 2021

neat ‘n’ sweet

How you wanna make everything prior to The Inspector coming by to look at your place.

I try to always keep things reasonably clean and tidy around my apartment in any case, but this also lessens the burden of making everything "neat ‘n’ sweet" for da monthly quarters-inspection.

by QuacksO September 10, 2018


Very cool or very satisfactory , excellent

My mom's boyfriend is so neat-o.
Or in answer to a comment like..I got a car for Christmas...wow


by Queenmarcia December 24, 2021

Neat Henry

A twist on a classic sandwich - essentially a Sloppy Joe, except served on a hot dog bun.

Child - "Hey, what are we having for dinner?"

Mom - "We're having Sloppy Joes. You're having a Neat Henry, so you don't stain your shirt with Manwich."

by space_prospector January 16, 2015

neat cheat

Having an affair that's convenient for one of the parties.

That guy hates his girlfriend and they aren't getting along. Young love leads to neat cheat sometimes.

by Ereck Flowers May 4, 2019

neat theory

elimination process

Um... Miss Tillman.
Paul Young's been missing for a couple of days. Have you seen him?
Why ask me?
I saw him leave a box on your doorstep.
And I've seen Zach over here.
If I did know where Mr. Young was, why would I tell you?
Look, the police think I killed your sister and I'm sure you do too. But I had nothing to do with it.
And you think Paul Young did.
Well... No, that's not what I was saying.
You gotta admit, it's a neat theory.

by weeknew September 14, 2018