(On the internet) Content that fails to interest visitors into clicking on a link to a particular website. This is usually due to the excessive usage of clickbait, or from completely misunderstanding the needs of the audience.
I don't watch anything with Logan Paul anymore, he's click repellent.
repells beaners
"over there a beaner is hopping the boarder"
"quikly use the beaner repellent"
When someone is too much of a egotistical smartass to say poncho or raincoat.
Radia: Guys make sure you bring water repellent on the day to camp.
Radia: -.-
Me: *whispers* should of said a raincoat you smartass.
Fork repellent is something Lollipop from Bfb sells. It will make it so forks fly away from you. it can also be used to push away lava because it is multi-purposed.
Lollipop in bfb 21: "Want some Fork repellent?"
you're so fucking ugly (and/or have such a small dick if you're a man) that even whores wont have sex with you, even though you payed them
whore: you are a whore repeller
other person: fuck