1. (noun) An anal sex act, in which the giving partner lies to the receiving partner and tells him or her that he has ejaculated. After the receiving partner turns around to face him, the giving partner violently ejaculates into the other partner's eye. He then uses the Santorum that has accumulated on his penis to draw a cross on the forehead of the stunned receiving partner.
2. (verb) To perform said sex act.
3. (noun) The fact that Rick Santorum is still a viable presidential candidate after Super Tuesday
1. Man, that hooker made be pay double after I tried the Santorum Super Tuesday Surprise.
3. In any other election, the Santorum Super Tuesday Surprise would be more shocking to me, but look at the other candidates!
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after working up a generous wad of santorum the male top pulls out from the other man's dilated dirtstar, and quickly moves to his face to deposit the load into his partner's mouth. he ever-so-forcefully rams his fleshsword into his partner's throat, eliciting a gag reflex, which projects the santorum-infused semen out of his partner's nostrils, a la netti pot.
Ricky always wanted to honeymoon at the Niagra Falls but was more than happy to settle for the flowing fluids that sprang forth from his schnozz when Lance performed a nettipot santorum on him.
When you are trying to engage in sex but are out of lube so you, or your partner, use diarrhea instead.
"Oh man, we are out of lube."
"It's okay, I had Taco Bell for lunch so you can get a Santorum Special.
Work from an engineer so terrible, it can only be that they have received a Santorum; a frothy mixture of lube, cum, and fecal matter.
The engineer that put this machine together was so inept, he just have just received his Engineeric Santorum in stead of a degree.
A cold Rick Santorum served in a chilled glass.
It sure is hot today, i sure could use a Wes Santorum to cool off
A lamb-skinned condom for ultra modern Catholics
The Netflix actor grabbed a Santorum sheath style condom from his nightstand.
The remarkable thought processes of a modern day politician, they really should be drug tested.
Did you hear Rick Santorum's comments about the "March for your lives" event ? Why that's just in-santorum !