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prison victory

Any time you prevent yourself from getting fucked in the ass, either literally or figuratively, it is a prison victory, because only in prison is this considered a victory.

Reggie: We were outnumbered, but we worked hard and we blocked the committee from hiring Carrie's dipshit cousin. Thank God! I consider this a victory.
Bert: A victory? Are you kidding? You call not getting fucked in the ass a victory? Maybe that's a victory in prison. Yeah, that's it, it's a prison victory.
Reggie: Huh? A prison victory?
Bert: Yeah, cuz only in prison is it considered a victory when you don't get fucked in the ass. Anywhere else, you just take it for granted, you don't even think about it. You don't go to sleep at night and think, "thank God, I didn't get fucked in the ass today." But in prison, each day that goes by without getting fucked in the ass is a victory. All we did was avoid getting fucked in the ass. All we got was a prison victory.
Reggie: Damn, bro. Damn.

by katowjo November 13, 2013

5👍 1👎

Victory Shit!

The Rewarding feeling of taking a shit after SPRINTING! to the bathroom, when u think your not going to make it and as soon as you drop your pants and put your buttcheeks on the toilet, Ploppers come out..............and fortunatly u have plenty of toilet paper. as u finish u walk around with your arms rasided!!

steve- where were u and why are u walking with your hands above your head?
me- did i just took the greatest "Victory Shit!" i thought i wasnt going to make it

steve- LOL niceeeeee

by AXmoney May 4, 2011

Victory Toke

At the end of a marijuana cigarette the last toke is offered as the victory toke and ensures godlike behaviour. It is known as the victory toke as it is the defeat of the joint.

"Yo, can i victory that shit?"

"That shit is roach... Victory Toke that ho!"

"oh damn"

by Gergafa February 12, 2008

Victory Pump

To thrust into someone/thing while holding your hands in the air in a "V" or in a victorious position.
AKA "VICTORY!" and/or "The Magic V"

Dude 1: Yo dawg, see that chick over there?
Dude 2: Yeah bra
Dude 1: Whilst we were having sexual intercourse I VICTORY PUMP-ed her ass!

by IDS POONTANG October 23, 2009

Victory Bowl

A celebratory bowl of marijuana that must be smoked at the successful completion of any great endeavor or task.

passed a test? gotta smoke a Victory Bowl!
got laid? gotta smoke a Victory Bowl!
went out and got hammered drunk, then made it home safely? gotta smoke a Victory Bowl!

Man 1: "damn dude, I cant believe we just smoked all that weed."
Man 2: "yeah man, we should go buy more so we can smoke a Victory Bowl to celebrate this accomplishment."

by apemanfool December 14, 2009

victory laugh

A powerful laugh of pride after making an accomplishment or being powerful or superior over others.

I have a victory laugh every time I get a collateral kill on tf2 with the machina.

by annnnonnnnymous November 10, 2011

Pathetic Victory

When you work very hard to accomplish something difficult, in an attempt to impress or win back your crush or ex-girlfriend. However, they are genuinely happy for you, but it does not increase the chance of them considering you for a relationship.

Guy: I told her about my promotion, she was happy for me and said 'good for you!'. Little did she know that I worked for promotion just to impress her, so this was a pathetic victory.

by ClearAsJamal July 21, 2019