A play of words Using Stockton Rush'es Sir name, his impatient draw to explore Titanic's captivating allure, by using an insufficient and budget friendly version of the "Limiting Factor" and is describing "when someone leaves all rhyme or reason aside to achieve something or to prove a point, even though it come with a great risk to oneself or others" / To have the "Rush factor" - C B Nilsson, July 2023
I would never dare to do something like that, I don't have the Rush factor
a multitude of unsolicited genital photos sent at once
Edmond Junk rushed me last Monday on insta.
A mantra modifier that increases mantra speed and increases distance.
He put a Rush Shard on his mantra.
A rush hour duo is two people consisting of a Black person and an Asian person. This references the movie series Rush Hour staring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker
Ryan, my asian friend alongside myself, a black person are the perfect Rush Hour Duo
When you come 'up' too fast from doing too much of a drug at once and the adrenaline causes you to vomit.
I chuck rushed so hard on NYE.
When you bum rush someone, it means you ambush them using an unfair combat advantage. A lot of the other definitions list it specifically as charging someone and bodyslamming them into a solid wall, which is applicable because it's total bullshit and usually catches the victim off guard. Other examples include (but are not limited to) attacking someone from behind by sprinting at them and landing a tackle, ganging up on someone and beating them to the ground with superior numbers, or hitting someone with a sucker punch while they're distracted fighting someone else. This is also a tactic in the board game risk, but in this case it consists of plopping down all your armies in one previously weakly defended country and defeating the surrounding countries (usually defended by only 1 or two armies) by spam attacking and having your opponent be unfortunate enough to roll a 1 every goddamn time and lose half their territories. Smash and grab robberies could be considered another example, as a mob of people obscure their faces, run into a store, grab whatever they can, and dash out in the blink of an eye, using their superior numbers to overwhelm store security and staff and to make it harder to uncover an individual suspect's identity. Bum rushing comes from the fact that these tactics are often seen as cheap or low of someone to use, which makes them a bum for having to use them instead of a fair fight.
Example 1: I almost got killed yesterday. This dude freaking bum rushed me and stole my wallet after pistol whipping me out of nowhere with his gun.
Example 2: "I've got his legs! Break both his arms with the bat while guy 3 hits him in the nuts with his golf club!"
Jack thought he had found the ultimate spot to survive in tf2 zombies but his posse was quickly wiped out thanks to the zombie medics bum rushing them by spamming taunt heals and taunt kills by the doorway until the other medics were able to make a breakthrough and swarm the room.
A verb that defines Rushing in with your ass as an attack mechanism
M(1): Yo, How’d you get out there alive?
M(2): I bum rushed them til they fell unconsious