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Clam jamming

The act of lesbian lovemaking. See also scissoring.

I don't think Krissy and Melissa are dating; I think they're just clam jamming.

by Kitty Vicious December 1, 2007

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bearded clam

Hairy vagina

Did you fuck that bird last night dude ?

No she had such a bearded clam

by l14msn April 8, 2015

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Manhattan Clam

When a man releases him load into a woman's vagina while she's on her period. The woman seals her vagina (i.e. duct tape), then she gets into a hot tub and 'cooks' it. Then she drains it in a martini glass, adds some vodka and Tabasco sauce, and the man drinks it.

Brian was feeling thirsty, so he prepared a manhattan clam.

by aeroswim July 2, 2014

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Tattered Clam

When a pussy has been used to the point where the outer lips become dry and darkened; appearing very similar to the edges of a steamed clam. They will feel dry to the touch and may become an issue if lubricant is not applied. Also note that when separated the smell can be very similar to that of a slightly rotten clam.

I reached down her pants to check things out and to my dismay I found a dried up old tattered clam.

by Beender February 20, 2009

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clam clapper

Lesbian; a female who touches her clam to another female's clam.

Chris: "That Katie girl is really hot. I'm gonna buy her a drink."

Michael: "Don't waste your time. See that girl she's with? They're clam clappers."

by Bulldog32 March 14, 2014

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Clam Rally

A gathering of white-supremacist chicks.

Let's go down to the Clam Rally and see if we can pick up some chicks.

by pdobrinen January 14, 2011

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Clam Dam

When an acquaintance blocks their female friend from getting with a guy. The equivalent of Cock Block, this can cause a reduction of friendship and a possibility of ruining any more chances with said man.

Chelsea was about to get a throbbing cock inside of her until Taylor came in crying, what a total Clam Dam

by benji2141 April 11, 2012

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