A squinty beady-eyed look of disdain, barely in your direction, from a nightclub cloak-room worker, who is desperately miserable inside, and wishes no other than the ultimate misery upon your fine self... and your coats
Ooh Stacey walked into the office today with a right old cloak-room face on... she must be on the blob
or SAF
A face which people display when they pretend to know it all when they do not. Usually used when bsing.
Connie's smartass face appears as she answers the question.
1. To remove and wear another person's face in order to steal or receive their money with little to no suspicion.
GUY 1: Johns makin like 700 dollars a week now.
GUY 2: Really?
GUY 1: Yeah, too bad he's a greedy douche
GUY 2: Fuck John. I'm about to go cashin in on face......
Robust-Face Pretty-Guy is a male aesthetic archetype referring to a certain beauty standard for men. It stands in contrast to the Chad archetype and the hypermasculine archetype.
Robust-Face Pretty-Guy means the facial bones are robust and projected outwards (cheekbones, brow ridge, jawline, chin) while the skin and hair are smooth and pretty.
RFPG is the most commonly highly rated beauty standard for men, rated by women of all categories. It is ranked as more handsome than Chad.
Robust-Face Pretty-Guy is the type i like - Stacey.
When you really want to eat something.
instead of letting the cupcakes cool, they went straight to face
When one gets punched in the face so hard that you could compare the force of it to a Mack truck coming full speed. Basically another word for getting knocked out cold.
Jon: Yo, did you see that street fight earlier today?
Marco: Yeah bro, Tony got macked in the face! He couldn't even get up.
what you say when you don't want the cum to get all over your face