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jadi booti

The extracts from roots of plants and shrubs used for medicinal purposes or something else are calle "JADI BOOTI"

Give the man some kind of jadi booti

by Jason Bourne August 7, 2004

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

booty crumbs

small pieces of feces and or toilet paper caught in the hairs surrounding the anus.

Man you didn't wipe your ass right and now you have some serious booty crumbs...you know dried pieces of shit and toilet paper hanging from your ass hairs.

by David Meister April 6, 2006

29πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

booty call

booty call:

Main Entry: booΒ·ty call
Pronunciation: \ˈbΓΌ-tΔ“ΛˆkΘ―l\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural booty calls
Etimology – From the Latin, Booticus Callmypatheticassupus
Date: Late 21st century

1 : A clandestine or casual meeting to indulge sexual urges, devoid of any meaningful social engagement. Typically occurring between the hours of 12-4am, subsequent to one party becoming inebriated or failing to secure sexual relations with a more appealing partner(s).

2 : Disparaging title for the lesser of two unequal partners in a booty call relationship; typically this individual does not realize or accept that the relationship is limited to a booty call. Often called a fuck buddy.

1 : I don't wanna taker her out, just hook up a booty call.
2 : No, we're not dating; she's just a booty call.

by Bulrog September 27, 2009

558πŸ‘ 296πŸ‘Ž

ghetto booty

Large, round, firm hindquarters,generally associated with, but not limited to the african american female. Also, a good place to set one's beer while engaged in the doggystyle position. Not to be confused with ghetto-way booty.

Yo, check out the ghetto booty on her!

by marine February 21, 2005

514πŸ‘ 279πŸ‘Ž

booty pop

when girls (sometimes men) are physically capable of separating their butt cheeks and shake it. their is no movement in anyother body part, not the legs or lower back, just simply the bootay. its crazyyy

dayum dat beezy sure no how to booty pop that ass.

by PIMPMaSTERMOFO September 27, 2006

136πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

big booty

a ample rear end, not fat, out of shape, or flabby

I wanna hit dat big booty!

by Dirty August 20, 2003

117πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Booty Buddy

Not exactly a fuck buddy but someone who you have friendly conversation with just before and after sex during regular booty calls.

β€œNick is a great Booty Buddy but I just don’t think we’d get along if we spent time together not having sex.”

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

39πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž