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blow zone

A zone that tends to get messy during science labs

Oh no, Im standing in the blow zone

*dramatic hand gestures* THIS is the blow zone.

by thisisthebz January 16, 2019

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Twimight Zone

n. The area in the back of all fridges where food items are defined by the phrase "might be edible"

Man, I was in such a jam for food last night, I actually had to forage the the Twimight Zone.

by Raynie Dayes October 2, 2009

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Gurski Zone

This is a place that isn’t necessarily a bad place however it is where you are stuck in the gray area which is in between the friendzone and being β€œin there” with a person

Bruhhh you’re in the gurski zone

by Jdev November 21, 2018

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Friend zone

A term butthurt men use when they realize the girl they like is not attracted to them and never will be. They think because they were nice, she owes them sexual favors. When being nice is really just a common thing expected out of most people. Most of them are "nice guys" or incels. If the woman already has a boyfriend, they go on to cut her down and accuse her of liking bad boys. Though most fail to realize this, their desperation is probably the real reason they repel women.

Desperate loser: All you women are the same! You friend zone the nice guys like me and go for the bad boys instead! Screw you, bitch.
Confused girl: Because you really seem "nice"..

by Lalareal January 19, 2018

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Friend Zone

A place that cowardess men have created because they're too scared to tell the certain man or woman how they feel, this is a place that many people have said to have been a one way trip, that once you're in you can never leave

Damn I got stuck in the friend zone

by Sock monkey 8654 July 30, 2016

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Butter Zone

Similar to "the zone" or "the sweet spot"
Athletes are β€œin the butter zone” when they feel focused, energized, confident, and capable of maximal
performance in a seemingly effortless manner. Athletic β€œbutter-zoning” requires the development of
athletic skills to the point that they are almost second-nature which, in turn, requires a strong
motivation to succeed.

Hi I'm Nathaniel! Have you heard of the butter zone?

by SilentSquash September 22, 2018

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the area below the pelvis that creates a triangle or "v" on a woman. does not include vagina, merely the hairy front yard, if you will.

man, my v-zone is itching.

by abrookinphiledelphia May 9, 2009

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