One that cannot spend more than a minute speaking to his friends, so to avoid this social confrontation he seeks his girlfriend to disclose his abysmal jokes to
Harry: come join vc some time
Dom: i cant cus my pc broke
Harry: you've got to be Dominic Thompsoning me right now
Real ass nigga that always put the bread before a bitch 🚫🧢
Dominic pena is a real nigga no cap.
A Dominic Williams is a wierd sloth like creature as a kid and gose through a lot of phases as a teen they grow up to be very handsome they have little social life and are very rarely not single they don’t have many friends and rarely make friends but they are the best type of friends that you will fight with and and make up and fight with again it goes on an on but you always end up friends not many people like them there names are made fun off such as domad*ck and loads of other things but they don’t mind it most the time but they do mind the other they mostly are angry and try to annoy every other person who calls them the name they hold grudges for life they can be very calm and very angry just don’t get on there bad side :)
When Ashton Rock does a doosey.
“Ashton just asked me what I was watching when he was the one watching something,what a dominator moment
when you piss on someone or something to prove dominance
person1: shut up im better then you
person:(whips out dick) URINATION DOMINATION BITCH(which said person begins to violently piss on the opposing person)
A really fat italian boy that lives near Chicago
man 1: "have you seen Dominic DeCicco recently"
man 2: "yeah i hate that fatty shitalian"
In internet forums, this is where a member creates a thread in which others are little interested, and will often post over and over again, to try to encourage people to respond.
Thread domination is often the work of unpopular trolls.
"If we wanted to suffer from thread domination, we'd read your shitty blog."