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Wet Dippy

Similar to the Wet Willy, a Wet Dippy is the act of administering a Wet Willy while one has a dip in his/her lip. The result is one pissed off individual with brown gooie siliva and possibly bits of yummy tobacco in thier ear. A very humorous site for anyone involved... except of course for the recipient.

Jim: Dude, Andrew just gave Tristan a Wet Dippy!

Bob: Ewww, gross! God it looks like he's got a whole wad in his ear!

by Beltimus Prime February 10, 2010

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wet the brush

To have penetration. intercourse. sex

wazz up girl, you wanna go wet the brush ?

He was weating the brush when her dad walked in.

by mopa September 13, 2006

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wet butter

Smoother than butter.

Slicker than butter.

Slipperier than butter.

A graceful or easy occurrence.

The pilot eased the plane in for landing like wet butter.

The aptitude test went as smooth as wet butter.

by Douggles June 15, 2009

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seat wetting

Seat wetting refers specifically to when a couple go parking but don't go all the way, but she gets so into the petting that she leaves a wet patch on the car seat. Specifically, for it to be 'seat wetting' it has to occur in a car.

"There's no use getting into heavy petting, it only leads to trouble and seat wetting."

by JimmyBoJones July 14, 2018

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Wet Becky

When a female wipes her boob sweat across your face.

After dancing all night, BA reached into her bra, took her hand out and wiped her boob sweat all over my face. Giving me a wet becky

by L-TownsStag January 22, 2011

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Wet Pails

A way in which marijuana is smoked. Originated from Lasalle Secondary School, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

The marijuana is packed in a socket that is inserted on the cap of a water bottle, then you put a hole on the bottom of the bottle and, put it in a "Pail" filled with water. Once the "Pail station" is set you slowly lift the bottle out of the water while lighting the marijuana.

Lets hit some pails Wet Pails get you baked Get the pail station

by marijuanatoker420 May 9, 2011

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Wet Pork

After you get done fucking a nasty slut on a hot summer day and not washing your meat for 3 days, and they are all soggy and smell like old hoagies.

guy 1 - Dude why are you itchin ya dick so much, you got crabs or somethin?

guy 2 - Naw bro, i got a real bad case of wet pork.

by Odinox July 26, 2010

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