A mixed drink made up of tequila, redbull, and a splash of beer topped off with a fresh lime. The Hot Tamale is a drink of choice at Hookman's Beer and Grub.
Many variations of the drink exist, such as removing the beer to simplify it's creation in a busy bar setting.
Dude let's go get fucked at Hookman's we can order some Hot Tamales, those things are delicious.
Nothing like ending a good morning of fishing with a Hot Tamale at Hookman's.
A kinky sex thing were you stab there under shoulder blade thus making a new hole then you insert your pp and then have fun
A kinky sex thing were you stab there under shoulder blade thus making a new hole then you insert your pp and then have fun
Rubbing your dick on a stomach and cumming on the upper lip to make a mustache
I’m gonna dry hump you so hard and give you a hot belly bubble stache.
Smoking inside and enclosed or small space typically a car
Blood 1:Me and bryan gonna go hot boxing afterschool u tryna pull up
Blood 2:Bet we gon get smacked😴 u got the bud?
Blood 3:Yea i gotchu my son
Hot boxing is the precursor to soaking, which is the act of penetrating the vagina with the penis without movement. Hot boxing originated in the Mormon religion as an act performed by an older man with a younger woman, whose vagina was often referred to by the elders as a “hot box.”
“Jebediah is hot boxing with his new bride tonight so she does not lose her innocence”
Taking a dump in the water storage tank portion of a porcelain toilet
Victim: "When I flushed, something dirty happned"
Bystander: "it must of been a LAKSEIDE HOT TUB"
The janator of santee del taco :" dammit, dirty Chris left another Lakeside Hot Tub"