Source Code

Cuban Domination

an annoying mesmer in a game called Guild Wars. Interupt, Diversion, Interupt, Diversion.

FFS Kill Cuban Domination.

by Squeaka April 1, 2010

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dominant trait

a trait that beats the other scrawny little ones because it is superior in every way.

Brown eyes are a dominant trait over blue eyes.

by The defminitions January 15, 2019

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Emily and Dominic

They are the best couple and you don’t have to think about it twice they both have good personality and shinning (:

Girl: I wish I had a relationship like Emily and Dominic

by 1.Princess.1 November 17, 2019

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Fart Dominance

When you fart louder than someone else or simply have the power and unspoken confidence to let one rip, loudly and proudly. Therefore, establishing dominance above all else in the room, who are too embarrassed to embrace the holy cloud of stank.

Guy 1: Dude, yesterday I did the hugest fart and established fart dominance over my cousins while they were over.
Guy 2: WTF

by Not Your Local Drug Dealer January 16, 2022

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male dominance

1) The correct way in which a man should treat a woman

2) The discription of one man's genitailia being superior to another's in width and length

Because Larry had so much male dominace over Bill, Bill's wife left bill and thor to run away with Larry.

by DonkeyThunder March 9, 2003

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world domination

One word will rule them all...STARBUCKS!
Seriously, Starbucks in trying to take over the world with caffeine, sugar, and trans fat....oh, you thought fraps were just ice and milk? think again....

But wait, another contender is on the battlefield!...APPLE and the iPod! Oh wait, they're making a peace treaty!

When Starbucks achieves world domination, water will cost more than frappuchinos. And Apple will be supply Mac computers for the registers, and iPods for the baristas. The horror!

by darthdenali May 23, 2007

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anal domination

To dominate anally usually with a virgin anus and a 7 or larger inch penis

Average Urban African American street thug: I did sum anal domination an hour ago
Home owner: why are you in my house

by Docta Schlomo Shekelstein XIIV April 15, 2016

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