A thing where 2 people fuck on a large pedestal and 1 person stands behind them blowing into a flute while dancing or doing some ritual dance and everybody else is down stage also doing the same ritual as the dance leader behind the 2 fuckers are doing
fuckers: start to fuck
dance leader: plays music while dancing a ritual
pedestrians: dance along to the music and the dance leader and the people fucking
1: yo dude we did a sex dance last week
2: oh nice I hope it was good watching your wife get fucked by some other guy while some crackhead plays a song with a flute to his nose and watching 40 other people dance along
What stupid emo/scene kids think is moshing. They spin-kick and fight the air. They don't actually fight, to even touch someone else in one of their perverted mockeries of a mosh pit is frowned upon. It's really annoying when you're moshing at a great show, and some stupid emo runs into the middle of the pit and starts "hardcore dancing." It's an embarrassment, it really is.
Stupid kid hardcore dancing: WHOO, YEAH! I LOVE MOSHING!
Kid skanking to the side: You wouldn't know what moshing is if you were thrown in a pit and caught in the middle of a Wall of Doom.
The Pants Dance is the dance you make while fitting in pants. How to do it is simple. You just grab your hips and make it move, move as slow so it can smooth. Keep your feet as still as you can, while avoiding the task to stand. This might take time to complete, but doing it wrong is for defeat. Circle your hips until your done, as you can see the dance was fun. Thank you.
The Pants Dance can dance your pants while you dance the pants if the pants can dance while dancing in pants while you dance the pants while the pants will dance in the dancing made by you dancing The Pants Dance.
Tit-Dance: A dance often found in NW England bars and night-clubs involving flapping ones breats with hands, usually whilst singing the theme tune to 'I Dream Of Jeannie'. Often adapted to a variety of situations (see examples below).
An example of the Dances described in examples below can be found by seaching for 'OTD Manchester' on youtube - see 0.49 seconds for 'Scarf Dance'.
1. Orang-Utan Tit Dance (OTD) - a version of the Tit-Dance which is done whilst moving the rest of your body like an Orang-Utan.
2. Scarf Dance - Tit Dance broken up by mimicing the action of waving ones scarf in the air.
The feeling you get after dancing or even just watch other people dance. You feel like you're on clouds.
I'm so dance high right now. The choreography was so beautiful.