Source Code

ass balance

When to many overweight individuals take the same flight, the flight crew must split the larger individuals evenly on both sides of the aircraft.

Flight attendant 1 - "Why are we flying sideways?"
Flight attendant 2 - "Time to complete an ass balance"

Nate - "How is the ass balance going?"
Ed - "Ass Balance?"
Nate "*Mass"

by Slarge January 11, 2012

Buffalo Ass

When you poop and your ass burns just as much as your mouth did after eating something spicy; such as from buffalo wings. It can also be associated with having to poop quickly right after eating the spicy food.

I got buffalo ass after eating those hot wings last night.

by Goatiiee March 28, 2016

rackin ass

When a girl perferably (hot) has a nice rack and ass all in one pack which is not very hard to find in this day and age.

Hey my nigga look at dat rackin ass on that bitch, that woe got a nice racking ass

by Realinfo December 18, 2013

Ass Yarn

Ass yarn is the action of your asshole hair twisting into a yarn like braid.

"Dude, your hat looks like ass yarn!"

by assyarn February 6, 2015

Heller's Ass

A moment of supreme trollery in the middle of a nuclear crisis level tense situation.

Person 1: Did you see that guy throw apples at the Russian Prime Minister when he swore Russia wasn't building nukes?!

Person 2: I know, that was such a Heller's Ass!

by ArmadaBledd September 20, 2011


A phrase used to describe the thick, humid secretion of gas from one's backside after a long night of heavy imbibing.

Marcus drank a 12 pack of Schlitz last night, and now dude's got some serious ass-froth.

by jayhawk April 19, 2004


adj., Characterized by excessive or unnecessary frugality; cheap; of poor quality in general.

See: Lloyd Carr's play-calling while head football coach at the University of Michigan.

"What kind of budget-ass decorations are these?!"
"Getting Subway for dinner was a budget-ass move."

by Torrey Armstrong January 25, 2008